
“Many people think good salespeople are born, not trained, but this not strictly true”

Driving Sales Enablement Via Training

Thonemans Services, Melbourne conduct training services for you or your organisation to maximise the sales skills of the whole business or of selected people in line with their personalised development plan. This methodology ensures that the entire sales department’s skills, knowledge, confidence and ability to generate leads and sales simultaneously improves, providing your business with constant, balanced and sustainable growth of sales and profit.

Our training ensures that sales people are able to understand, package and sell value, by promoting key messages and leveraging customer pain.


Developing Strategic Alliances, Industry Specific Training, Authoring, Time Management, Conflict Management, Leadership, Value, Key Sales Messages, Link to Needs, The Hunt for Pain and much more.

Training Delivery Methods

Our workshops and classroom training are highly ‘outcome focused’, such outcomes include improved sales team performance, improvement in lead generation, increasing lead conversion and improving organisational profitability.

Are You The "Accidental" Sales Person

The reality is that basic sales skills and techniques can actually be taught. Those who are willing to learn and apply themselves to basic sales training will observe a dramatic and positive improvement in their performance and confidence on sales related tasks.